Monday 3 November 2008

In the end, that's all we have left.

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming

Or the moment of truth in your lies

When everything feels like the movies

And you bleed just to know you're alive

This is where Tar has been hiding. *Looks smug* I told her I'd find out.
She's gone out for coffee, because I feel too bad about quitting without giving notice, and refuse to go in there. She refuses to drink coffee from anywhere else, so we came to a stalemate.

She gave in first :-D

So I read through her entries, and I sound pretty pathetic huh? Allowing myself to be half eaten (shudder) by Vampyres and then locking myself under the stairs for 3 hours.
Well I'm sorry, but the last 3 days have been very unusual.
It was going to be a big jump for me just to get into Tar's pants. I never even concidered that she might be a Vampyre, or Dhampyr or whatever she is.
I also didn't plan on becomming one myself, although, it is pretty swell.
Hahaha, yes, I am flexing my muscles right now.

I killed a Vampyre last night. It was alot less difficult than I had expected, although I knew the little shit, he and his mates used to come into the cafe and chat me up.
That shouldn't make it better huh?
Well it does so :-P

We are going out hunting for them today as well. Tar says it's below the belt to go hunting during the day, but I think we're gonna do it anyway. There are 9 of them, and two of us. And Tar is stupidly hard, but I'm not... Yet.

Anyway, the whole town reeks of Vampyres. And believe me, they don't smell great. Apparently we smell much the same to them, but I don't believe I could ever smell that bad. Plus Tar's scent is kinda....Earthy. It's nice though, I like it.

Tar said something about Werewolves smelling worse, but I'm trying to block that out. Dealing with the existance of Vampyres is more than enough for one weekend.

At least though...At least I have Tar to hold my hand through it.
And I know she'll always be there.

Because she loves me, and in the end, That is all we have left.

Much Love

Jac xxx

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